Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The First Meeting Non-meeting

The first association meeting just wrapped up but it was pointless for anyone but people who wanted to be on the board.  The little bit that wasn't revealed until midway through the meeting was the builder held 26 votes out of the 39 possible resident votes.  Only 17 residents votes were at the meeting so basically the builder did what he wanted.

This meant a 3 person board although this happened to follow popular vote we believe.  The only cool thing was he put 2 residents on the board out of the 3 possible with one being filled by the developer association.  Don't quote me on all the actual developer/builder stuff.  The gist is we have a majority on the board so that's good.  He just got to pick them but he based it on the statements made at the meeting.

Overall, a waste of time again unless you wanted to be on the board.  As for the board members, Marc Ramsey and Brittaney King from the resident community.  They both agree that trash/recycling is an issue so I'm guessing they will attempt to address this.

Just my 2 cents,
-Alan Sherman, 10857 #301


Laine said...

This is not entirely correct - the builder has 26 votes, the unit owners have 39 votes. The problem was that only 17 of us showed up to vote, and as far as I know only one unit did an official proxy. If more of the unit owners had attended the meeting or nominated a proxy, we would have had more influence in the voting.

Personally I think things went fine and the elected board members are good choices. Just wanted to clarify the situation.

Radu Ban said...
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Radu Ban said...

Good points brought up by Al and Laine. I only want to add that the information about the votes of the developer should have been mentioned in advance (together with all the nominations, etc). This way maybe more people would have shown up.
When we voted for the size of the board we didn't even know about the developer's vote.
Given the developer's votes we never actually know what the "popular" vote was on any of the issues. Someone proposed to have a vote without the developer just to see the popular choice, but this proposal was ignored.
In any case, it is all moot now. And I'm sure the people on the board will do a good job.

Laura B said...

Sure, but on the flip side from the Builder's perspective he may have past experiences that telling us in advance of the meeting would have had the opposite effect and discouraged residents from deciding it was worthwhile to attend. We needed a 25% participation rate (and we barely made it at that). I second Laine's comments. Overall I don't think any detrimental decisions were made and I'm confident that Brittaney and Marc will serve us well. Remember too that the Builder is only around until the units are sold. I came in in the middle of that speech and missed how long he projects this to be.

Al said...

I agree and Laine is correct about that we needed a better turnout for the builder to have less of a say but 26 out 65 is a good number no matter. I think the builder mentioned he figured everything would be sold by next February based on our current rate and even lower interest rates...but don't quote me on that.

Plus with just 2 resident board members we only have to convince them of our pet projects. I hope they like wine and/or beer. ;)

Erin said...

sorry-- it was really hard for me to understand anything going on at the meeting because I'm deaf, but this is what I got from what hector explained to me and what I could understand.

My issue was the fact he didn't tell us about the developer's vote until after we had voted for how many people we wanted on the board 3 or 5.

My second issue was I think there would've been more people who attended if it wasn't so close to the new year. there are people that are still out of town. people who have school, and this week is usually the first week back to school. If it was pushed to next week or a weekend date, we might've had a higher turnout.

I do think that Brittany (sorry if i misspelled your name) and Marc will do a great job on the board, it's just a matter of convincing the developer of certain projects or wait until after he's gone.