Saturday, November 15, 2008

First Annual Meeting of Condo Assosiation

As you all may know, in January we will have our first annual meeting of condominium association to elect a new Board of Directors (3-5 people). It will be useful for all of us to read couple pages on the By Laws (second section of the blue binder that we all must have received) to familiarize ourselves with the process:

- Article 2, "Council of Unit Owners", pages 1-5
- Article 3, "Board of Directors", pages 5-12.
- Article 4, "Officers", pages 12-13
- Article 5, "Operation of the Condominium", pages 13-32

If any of you for some reason don't have the by laws, I can make a copy of these pages for you.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Home

Dear all:

I have been thinking about creating a common space where we can chat and share our thoughts and issues at the comfort of our homes. Today I finally decided to give it a try. Here it is. It will be as good as what we put into it. Let's use this space to share our thoughts on how to improve our home and how to address our problems.
